Dedicated to serving Rwanda through educational, spiritual and economic development.
Frank works in the Rwandan office facilitating the communications between Rwanda and the US office.
Jackson works as the Child Sponsor Coordinator in the Rwandan office and spends much of his time with the kids at Bright Future School.
Tate works as the Operations Director in the U.S. Office providing oversight of the child sponsorships, fundraising and communications.
Tara works as the ABFM Bookkeeper managing donations, invoices and statements to and from ABFM Donors.
Michael serves as the ABFM U.S. Executive Director.
Gayle served the ABFM U.S. Office Administrator for over 14 years.
Melina serves as the ABFM U.S. Events Coordinator.
Sue serves as the ABFM U.S. School to School Liaison.